Hello avid readers here’s another post to help you understand how the mind works. Recently I have been doing some deep introspection I had many questions mainly about why people are the way they are. I realized early on in my life that my mind seemed fascinated in learning why something or someone did what they do? Most kids just do things asked of them no question except for me I always wanted to know why I needed to do that. So basically, I questioned everything no matter who told me to do something. It wasn’t good enough for me to take their word on anything I required a deeper explanation of why something needed me to do it. I realize now that my mind wasn’t wired the way most children’s minds tended to be I was more analytical.
Even as I’m writing this post, I’m aware of things going on around me because people are speaking. I’m at a Library and from time-to-time people get into some loud conversations. Although it isn’t something I often do when I am working (listening to people conversate) my analytical mind picked up on something. The conversation that I happened to coop was about a backpack. I know so random but let me give it a little context. The people speaking seemed to be let’s say in between places. So, a backpack is pretty standard fare for them to speak about. What I picked up on is how many times one of the patrons mentioned the word backpack. My mind was able to make the mental connection to this person’s current state of affairs and the backpack. I realized that the participants in this conversation were completely focused on a lifestyle that was dominated with the need to have a backpack. For over a half an hour it was all they could focus their minds and thoughts on. My analytical mind realized at that moment these two people were doomed. They were doomed because they were creating a reality loop.
What is a reality loop? I believe a reality loop is a set of behaviors that repeat in one’s life because of habits and mindset. The way this works is due to some circumstance something happens that creates a strong emotional response in the individual. The individual now nurtures these feelings allowing it to metastasize within the subconscious mind. Once this happens the new habit becomes the norm and is automatically programed in the subconscious mind like computer code. Once this code is triggered an automated response follows. These actions construct the paradigm known as the reality loop. Many people today are unaware of this coding that controls their every thought and emotion.
So, you see the two individuals who may be dealing with many issues were mostly struggling against this paradigm. They were compelled to speak about the backpack further cementing their current reality into their subconscious mind. When this happens any suggestion that could help the affected individuals will be rejected. This is one of the main reasons it’s difficult to help people who struggle often. They in-essence cling to what is causing them to struggle with this paradigm of the reality loop. The two individuals will unfortunately continue on this path until another event happens that shifts their mental focus, and a new paradigm begins.
What’s the answer to helping everyone on the planet who is stuck and struggling? The answer is pretty straight forward? Just change the paradigm. So, how do you change something that you may not really be aware of that is causing all of your problems? You begin by concentrating your mind and focusing your thoughts. Remember thoughts are energy they can help or hurt us depending on our focus, habits and the paradigm we create. So why don’t we consciously create a paradigm that helps us grow and experience abundance. It’s just that simple the reality of all this is it’s a choice. If you choose pain and sorrow, then that is the paradigm you will be entwined with. However, if you choose to be around beauty and love then this will be.
The key is letting go- How many habits do we pick up that don’t serve us in a positive way. I would go on record and say a great deal. The way to finally start over no matter how bad things get is by letting go. Stop fighting the ghosts of the past let sleeping dogs’ lye. When you let go of all these things you remove them from your paradigm. You don’t focus on them and are totally oblivious to the past. You are now in the present and can set a new paradigm that can serve you well into the future.
One of the best ways to begin the process of focusing your mind on new abundant possibilities is by learning to meditate. I have made a YouTube channel just for this very purpose here’s a video that you should watch that can help you begin to relax. This video is recorded in 432hz it is a healing frequency. If you have an ailment, I want you to focus on how you will feel while the frequency and your thoughts are making you well. Feel refreshed and vibrant as you break down the walls of the old paradigm.
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Originally published at http://superiorblogsandmore.wordpress.com on June 14, 2022.