Hello, I hope this reply finds you in good health. Many people want to know if the Law of Attraction is real. What many people don’t actually realize is that the Law of Attraction is routed in the act of manifestation. The definition of manifesting can be vast depending on how it’s applied. One of the Google definitions of manifestation is a symptom or sign of an ailment. My interpretation of this definition is that when you manifest something you want you will see signs/examples of it.
In 2008 the US experienced a sever crash in the housing market. This sent a ripple effect through the country, and we experienced a recession. At the time I had recently moved from Las Vegas to Texas. Some things were going slower than I had planned and I was basically unemployed and working off and on at Temp services. It was a crazy time but I’m a rugged person I adapt. I didn’t actually know what the Law of Attraction was, but I had a feeling that things were about to change. All of a sudden, I just had a feeling about money was coming to me. I would often times be walking and out of the blue $20.00 dollars laying in the grass at night. I slept that evening then I just had a dream that I had got a job then a car and a house.
How I manifested money
A few days later I called an agency that had an income opportunity that paid $7,500 for a few months’ work. I set up an appointment and went to the screening on my way there I had taken the city bus and got off at the wrong stop. I had to use the restroom, so I went to the gas station at the corner as I walked up the path, I noticed something. It was a white paper looked like a check or something I picked it up. I examined the document turns out it was a money order for $500 dollars but there was something else. The money order had the receipt attached to it and it had not been filled out. I tucked it away and went to my appointment.
I went to the place that issued the money order and told them that I didn’t need it and would like to cash it in. The lady looked it over and said it would be $28.00 I smiled and said alright. I walked away with $472.00 dollars from out of nowhere. I got a call that confirmed that I was accepted by the agency to do the assignment for $7,500. Things went well and I focused my mind on the car I would like to have I decided on a black Mercedes Benz C280. I would look at the car online and think how good it would be to have this clean ride. I fantasized about it. I finally contacted the seller who informed me that the vehicle was still available. Upon completion of the job, I was paid the $7,500 and I purchased the used car that was in great running condition.
The next thing on my list was to get a steady job. I had been tempting for a while till I got the last project that paid pretty decent. At the time I felt that things were headed in the right direction. I ended up on a temp to perm work situation that would become a full-time job. As time went on, I would later fall into a situation that allowed me to rent a house. All of these things actually happened I had manifested exactly what I wanted at the time. I had no resistance to the thought of these manifestations. In other words, I never doubted for one second that they would happen. I also didn’t put any stipulations as to how or when they would happen. And above everything else I believed it would happen and guess what it did.
Do you want to get more from your manifestations, but you haven’t quite got it to go right then let me offer you this completely free E-book? http://superiordivisionbrandz.hubspotpagebuilder.com/manifestation-mindset-2
The best way to manifest what you want is to form an emotional attachment to it. The feelings you have about what you want should be positive ones. All one has to do is match the feelings with the thought of having what you want. When you do this, you are creating an attachment to the thing that you want but it will not appear to you until it manifests. The act of manifesting is simple, and we all do it whether we know it or not. Many people don’t believe that this is possible even, so they still manifest things all the time to their reality. The thing that is most misunderstood about manifesting is how and why it works. I could go into great detail about this but again it would confuse many people. So, the easiest way to understand this is whatever you focus on the most you will manifest. The reason this is so because you have no resistance to it being true in fact your obsession about whatever you focus on makes it true for you. You need to realize this could work for you or against you. If you think upon positive outcomes, you can manifest that or negative if your focused on that. If you want to know more, please follow me here and across all of my social media.
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