How you can become wealthy by using quantum manifestation

Dimi God
5 min readJun 20, 2022


Hello welcome to the blog we have a really good subject to discuss involving manifestation. Many successful people around the world have attributed their success to manifesting. They used visualization techniques and story boards to see their dream in the current reality. The truth is you can do the same and I’m here to show you how. So, are you ready for the most exciting post I have ever put together? I hope so because this will change your life.

Many of you should be familiar with the Law of Attraction. The principles that make this a possibility also exist in quantum manifestation. Understanding key concepts will enable you to create the reality you want. The first concept I want to stress to you is resistance-when we inject resistance and doubt into any thought we are in a negative vibrational frequency. Negative frequency vibrations seem to dominate lower levels of consciousness. The truth is anyone can be the victim of low-level negative thinking no exceptions. One of the worst things any of us can do is to doubt ourselves and what we are capable of. When we routinely do this, we form a habit, and this habit will create a paradigm. Once we form this paradigm (think of the concept of ball and chain) it is very difficult to break. This is the reason most people appear to be stuck and become frustrated in life. They have created a paradigm that is so powerful that it controls them.

Understand how your mind sends and receives frequency vibrations. Now there is a theory that states that thoughts are alive. Moreover, thoughts contain energy this energy needs to be shaped by the thought once you name it becomes real. However, if you have a thought about what you want but you don’t believe you really can have it then you create resistance. The resistance you create can hinder your manifestation. You will only manifest what you chose to focus on. The frequency that your manifestation is on depends on how you feel about the thing you want. You see it’s your intentions that fuel the emotional component of your manifestation. When you feel positive about what you want this feeling will elevate the vibrational frequency of what you want. If you don’t have any doubt that you can have what you want, then you may enter the realm of quantum manifestation.

Quantum manifestation can happen immediately when there is no resistance that it is possible. In fact, you should act as if what you want has already happened. The reason this works is because you are now forming a new habit. This habit allows you to manifest anything you want as long as you hold it in a positive vibrational frequency. When you match the frequency of what you want and understand you already have it you can manifest it immediately. The way this happens is through quantum theory.

Quantum theory simply is that our Universe exists in infinite realities. So, the earth as you see it today is not the only earth but is part of a multiverse. These earths or multiverse may exist in the higher levels of consciousness. Within the multiverse exist infinite versions of you. So, in today’s earth 3-dimensional reality you could be a restaurant employee. However, in the multiverse or alternate reality you’re a doctor. Now all this is possible and happens all at once because the Universe does not recognize time. The way you get your manifestations to happen immediately is by collapsing the timeline of all realities. When you focus on the outcome you want this reality will become your new paradigm. This is how anyone can manifest using quantum manifestation.

So, now we all see how this could work for us but why doesn’t it? Well to be fair you may have to understand your own mental development and what you have been exposed to emotionally. Your emotions can really dictate to you how and what you manifest. Please understand no matter what you believe you are always manifesting whether you want too or not. When you are really emotional or passionate about something most people tend to become more focused. If they don’t have any resistance to what they are focused on they can manifest this immediately. This could be good (such as times of crisis) where someone musters amazing strength to save a loved one’s life. Or tragically by becoming so emotionally focused on loss that a person has a fatal car accident. Each of these happen because of the law of manifestation. You attract what you put your minds focuses on.

How can you become wealthy using quantum manifestation? You need to focus on what you want and hold it in your mind. Then you need to see yourself having or doing whatever you want that you need to manifest. Now you need to feel with emotion how it would be to have what you want to manifest. The feeling you feel about what you want is the vibrational frequency that you need to be on to see your manifestation in this reality. When you achieve a level of clarity about all of this and understand that resistance does not truly exist you can manifest at will. An example of this could be you buy a scratch off ticket, and you know that this ticket is a winner. You didn’t guess it was a winner you already knew it. Understanding that in the multiverse of alternate realities you have won the jackpot with that very ticket. You again focus your mind on the feeling of having a winning scratch ticket. Now that you already know when you purchased the ticket this very ticket has won somewhere in the multiverse. When you focus on the feeling of getting the money from the winning scratch ticket then collapse the timeline of all other realities. You will achieve quantum manifestation.

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Originally published at on June 20, 2022.



Dimi God
Dimi God

Written by Dimi God

I am an entrepreneur who wants to help small businesses and individuals helping them to grow their business.

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