Hello, I hope this answer finds you well and in great health. The topic of today’s post is how does the law of attraction work and is it real? Before I answer this question, I want to address something that is critical in understanding how all of these things work. You need to understand what a belief is and why a belief can allow you to make the law of attraction work for you.
I recently read a post that got thousands of views about the law of attraction. However, I quickly realized that the author of the post didn’t believe in the law at all. This person seemed to be from India and like most developing countries they are looking up to professionals. That much I can understand my issue was he told people that they couldn’t do things because of the law of attraction. He then cherry picked all of the things that the average person wouldn’t be able to do. This is instrumental in understanding what the law of attraction is really about. He was projecting a very negative mental picture for anyone reading his post. Then he used examples he handpicked to reaffirm his personal views on what is actually possible. I really don’t have any gripe with this individual at all, but I will point out an inescapable truth and that is no matter how you feel about things you are always manifesting.
How do you manifest the things in your life? This is an important question, and the answer may surprise you. So, let’s begin by going into your mind specifically your thoughts. Lots of thoughts run through your mind everyday whether you are cognitive of this or not. The average person is believed to have over 80,000 thoughts per day. Dr. Joe Dispenza is an expert on neuroscience, epigenetics and quantum theory. He is a New York times best-selling author and a sought-after speaker who has given lectures and held workshops in over 30 countries on 5 continents. He has seen the effects that thoughts have over the physical body. In essence he believes through habitual practices of negative thinking we can become sick. He speaks about the size of the human brains neocortex that is very large and can turn on the stress hormone like a switch. The stress hormones that are always on because of our thoughts can lead to chronic illnesses and disease. He also believes that the same mechanism that creates these phenomena can be reversed to make us well.
So, how can I illustrate to you in such a profound way that its indeed possible to manifest anything you want? Well by showing you how to do it silly. I already know I do not hold the degrees of a clinical psychologist, but I don’t need to be one because we all have this ability. The only difference between you and someone with many degrees is your level of understanding in fact that’s what this post is actually about. Now the task before me is to convince a skeptic (you) that what I am saying is factual. Understand that I didn’t say that it is true but factual there is a reason for this. You see we all view the world through different lenses let’s call them realities. Our perception of the same event can be completely different because we observe things in our own reality (remember this very important). So, with a loose understanding that perception and reality will vary to infinite degrees I will attempt to help you manifest what you want.
Understanding that your mind is a two-way radio it can receive and send signals. The way that it does this is through frequency and vibration. Now if things were only that simple then everyone would be able to use this ability. My next statement will blow your mind because well everyone does use this ability. Most people are oblivious to this and when they come face to face with this possibility some chose to downplay it and be dismissive of it while others believe it to be some sort of witchcraft. You can absolutely see how I can have a ton of fun with that last one, but I digress.
Your every thought has the potential to manifest into something positive or negative based on (wait for it) belief’s. Let’s do a thought experiment based on what you have already read how many of you believe that you can manifest. Now be honest with yourself because whatever thought came to your mind is correct whether you agreed (Yes) or disagreed (No). Your mind will go to an automatic default position and create the reality you believe is true. It does this by sending out a frequency that aligns with your thoughts to manifest (so you can see) it in your reality. This is how the Law of Attraction works. When you look for evidence to support your position on any topic you chose your thoughts will only show you evidence of what you truly believe is true. You will not be able to see another possibility because you are not resonating on the frequency of that thought. So, you see your ability to manifest is basically a choice. You can choose to be fearful of using your ability to create what you want because you think it will go against what you have been taught and what you believe. Our you can choose to open yourself up to what you are actually capable of by controlling your mind and your thoughts. When you do you will be able to see your manifestations come to life in your own reality.
Have you ever wondered how some people get so lucky and are able to win the lottery? The answer is simple and it’s not what you think. First let’s examine the concept of infinite probabilities. Many mathematicians may explain this theory different than I will in this post but note the concept. In the Universe you exist as you do now but according to the law you exist in an infinite number of Universes. Do you remember earlier in this post when I stated the difference between factual and truth? If you apply infinite probability to all of this than you will undoubtedly hit the lottery. You have heard of these concepts before if you watch any comic book movie. They depict tales of the multiverse. So, what is a multiverse and what does it have to do with winning the lottery? The multiverse is theoretical concept that you and your existence exist everywhere within the Universe. Furthermore, every reality also exists as well. By using the Law of Attraction, you shift from one reality to another by way of manifesting. This is known as Quantum mechanics.
The reason some people get exactly what they want in life is because they don’t have a built-up resistance to the thought of having what they want. I often say it is in the knowing that we are able to make a quantum leap within consciousness. When we know and accept the path, we put down our guard and allow the Universal laws to do what they were meant to do. The reason I can tell you this is because Universal consciousness wants you to understand this. If you feel your life is out of control and you have given up just speak to the Universe. Ask for guidance and understanding then sit patiently focus your mind on what you want to happen. When you know this will happen the Universe has heard you. No matter what you understand about these concepts you are always transmitting and receiving signals from Universal consciousness. The differences in getting what you want in life may come down to two things. Your beliefs about what you think is possible and what you know is possible.
Understanding the Law of Attraction and being able to use it are two entirely different things. From time to time we are all challenged in our belief’s. I hope that this post has inspired you to take action to manifest the life that you want. If you enjoyed this post, we are just getting started become a part of the family and subscribe.
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